Morning Buzz

Angel the Therapy Dog

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Have you ever spotted bumper stickers, shaped like a paw, on cars that say: "Who rescued who?" To many dog owners, this question has an easy answer. There are numerous studies that prove that dogs have therapeutic, stress-reducing effects.

Those who have watched Angel, a Golden Retriever therapy dog, in action wouldn’t be surprised. Angel is a therapy dog with Faithful Paws, a group of dog owners and their therapy dogs sponsored by Bellaire United Methodist Church, and she visits more than 100 hospitals and nursing homes each year. Her wagging tail often has an immediate effect on those she visits. 

Angel’s own story is also inspirational: Born with just one eye and three legs, she’s persevered and has helped many. 

This week, she was given an honor during a ceremony at Houston’s City Hall. David W. Robinson, Houston City Council At Large Position 2 and Mayor Annise Parker officially proclaimed July 21 as “Angel the Therapy Dog Day” in Houston. 

Watch this video to see Angel’s recent visit to Memorial Hermann Southwest and the proclamation ceremony. 

Meet Houston's official therapy dog, Angel.

Plus, read more about Faithful Paws, the effects of therapy dogs and the training process in our January 2008 story on “puppy love.” 

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