Morning Buzz

Editor's Note - February 2017

Joni Hoffman
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Joni HoffmanMichael and I are often asked: “How do you work together (without killing each other)?!” Our personalities are so different – I’m talkative and spontaneous. He is not. But when you put us together, it’s our differences that make us work. We recently visited Telluride. We were searching for Buzz families who take their dogs to ski destinations. Hours before our flight back to Houston, we had our photo shoot. After a bitter cold and snowy night we awoke to a sunny morning. We were in this spectacular setting with a gorgeous backdrop but the true beauty of our trip was the families. We ended up connecting with five dog-loving Buzz-area families, including 8 parents, 15 children and 10 dogs. We hope you enjoy this month’s cover story, Texas Snow Dogs. Also, we are touched by the inspirational partnership of Rabbi Lazer Lazaroff and his wife Rochel who worked together to create Aishel House, a home for patients. Also, in Back Porch, you can read about couples whose relationships were helped along by home-cooked meals. (It definitely wasn’t my cooking that sealed the deal with Michael.) However you celebrate and bond, Happy Valentine’s Day to you all.  [email protected]

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