Morning Buzz

Like a movie

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Chris Bayardo, Holly Ashe Bayardo

Chris Bayardo and Holly Ashe Bayardo (Photo: Heflin Photography)

Chris Bayardo and Holly Ashe Bayardo (pictured at right) married at Annunciation Catholic Church in downtown Houston. Father of the Bride has always been the bride’s favorite movie, so they decided that having the reception at her parents' home, just as in the movie, would be perfect. “The only thing missing was Franck and the swans!” said Holly. The house was filled with flowers and candles, and guests were greeted with a pianist playing Frank Sinatra and show tunes. They had a large tent in the backyard with beautiful draping, candles, flowers and crystal chandeliers. On the back porch, they had the Divisi strings quartet set up. They played everything from Beyoncé to Frozen, all in a classical style. The couple had a sparkler send off to end the evening. After the Oct. 15 wedding, they honeymooned in Mexico.

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